Model Dairy 11th Annual Charity Fishing Derby

March 12-13, 2005
- Local Childrens Charities
- Make-A-Wish Foundation® of Nortnern Nevada
- Batten Disease Support and Research Association (BDSRA)
Dates & Location:
Saturday, March 12 and Sunday March 13, 2005 at Pyramid Lake, Sutcliff Nevada
$50.00 per-person. Includes 1 Raffle Ticket for a chance to win a 2005 Polaris Ranger and othe Valuable Prizes. VISA, MASTERCARD and DISCOVER ACCEPTED.
All participants must be registered before fishing.
Pre-registered anglers need not check in before fishing.
Each person is responsible for all applicable licenses and registration fees required to fish by the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe. Teams may consist of one to four members.
Sign-ups at the lake will be from:
- 3:00pm - 6:00pm Friday, March 11
- 5:00am - 5:00pm Saturday, March 12
- 5:00am - 10:00pm Sunday, March 13
Please pre-register as this eliminates lines and delays in the morning so you can spend more time fishing. Pre-registration is available at:
- Model Dairy - (via phone) 775-788-7900 ex. 263
- Mark-Fore & Strike - 490 Kietzke Ln Reno
- Winners Corner - Pyramid Hwy-Spanish Springs
- FOOD - Complimentary food and beverages (coffe, soft drinks, water) both days from 5:00am. Barbeque from 11:00am - 2:00pm on both days included. ($10. extra - Steak Dinner Saturday 5:00pm - 8:00pm).
- FISH POOL - ($10.00 entry fee per-person on the team) open to all teams. This is an "all or noe" pool meaning all team members must participate, or none on the team may enter.
- FISH POOL PRIZES - $2000 for the heaviest fish, $1000 for the second heaviest fish, $500 for the third heaviest fish and $500 for the lightest legal fish.
- TEAM CASH PRIZES - $1000 (1st), $800 (2nd), $600 (3rd).
- HEAVIEST FISH PRIZE - Gold and Silver Ruby Belt Buckle for the heaviest fish.
- RAFFLE DRAWING - to follow presentaiton ceremony. 80% of the raffle prizes will be "PRE-DRAWN" and the winning ticket numbers posted by 1:00pm. You could win a Polaris Ranger, Sportsman Weekend packages, plus many terrific sporting goods items.
- WEIGH STATION - Final weigh in at 2:00pm sharp Sunday, March 13. Anglers must be in line at 2:00pm to have your fish weighed. NO EXCEPTIONS!
- A maximum of two legal fish per-person will be allowed at the derby.
- The presentation ceremony for trophies and prizes will begin between 2:30pm - 3:00pm.
Note: For the purpose of this derby only artificial bait is allowed.