Fishing Update for Pyramid Lake and Echo Canyon Reservoir
Pyramid Lake, Nevada
Have you ever wondered how you could be using the same lure or the same fly...and standing next to someone in a similiar spot, but you're the one only one to get skunked while everyone around you doesn't seem to have a problem landing 'em? This is exactly how I felt this weekend at Pyramid Lake trying to land the BIG Cutthroat Trout! Check out some of the latest photos from Pyramid Lake and be sure to check out the Stone Mother photos and notice the water level difference from March 2006 to March 2004. It's a pretty amazing difference.

Echo Canyon Reservoir
Hope you enjoy these pic's. My family and I went to Echo Canyoun and took 7 trout home with marshmello bait and worms. 8 hours and a great time later we were home here in Las Vegas by 9 p.m. that night enjoying fresh trout and lemon for dinner. What a journey it has been........ Chris C.

Regulations: Season is open year around, any hour of the day or night. Limit is 5 trout and 15 warmwater game fish of which not more than 10 may be largemouth bass. The daily and possession limit is the same. No live bait is allowed.
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