What's Hot in the Winter Time? Squaw Creek Reservoir
If you're looking for a little winter time fishing and camping adventure, Squaw Creek Reservoir seems to be HOT HOT HOT! Many thanks to you Danny for taking these photographs and really pushing the point that we should all play hard rather than work hard!

Regulations : General regulations apply. Season is open year around, any hour of the day or night. Limit is 5 trout and 15 warmwater game fish of which not more than 5 may be black bass.
Boating Regulations: No special regulations apply.

Fish Species
- Rainbow Trout
- Brown Trout
- Largemouth Bass
- Spotted Bass
- Bullhead Catfish
- Green Sunfish
Camping: Camping is available around the reservoir, but be aware there are no bathrooms or trash cans so please be sure to take out what you bring into the reservoir.
For more information about Squaw Creek Reservoir click here and for more photos of Squaw Creek Reservoir click here.
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