Cold Weather Fishing at Frenchman's Lake, The Start of A New Season
Fishing Tips and Photos provided by Shelley (a local flyfisherman)

We drove up to Frenchman's yesterday to see if we could fish. We parked at the top of the Spring Creek boat ramp entrance, if we had our snowboards we could have boarded down to the lake from there. The walk down wasn't to bad. There was not a piece of ice on the lake (unlike last year at this time) but it was snowing good at times.

A friend started having luck on my brassie blood midge, so I set up my line like his hoping to not get skunked. I also put on a brassie blood midge, with an indicator about two feet deep, AHHH then success. The start of my flyfishing season began yesterday! So today we are opting out of snowboarding the six new feet of snow at Boreal to go fishing at Frenchman's! Must go fishing NOW!
-- Shelley
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