Wilson River, Oregon and Steelhead Trout Fishing
First time steelhead fishing on the Wilson River in Oregon, two weeks ago. This little beauty danced across the river on light tackle, and I landed her in about ten minutes. She was a native steelhead, and after the picture, I let her go. ~ Donna S.

The Oregon Department of Wildlife says, "The spring chinook and summer steelhead runs in these rivers are expected to be similar to last year, with a fair to good return of hatchery fish. The daily bag limit is two adipose fin-clipped adult chinook and/or steelhead and five fin-clipped jack chinook. "
For more Wilson River Steelhead Trout photos, click here. For more information on fishing Oregon, visit the Oregon Department of Wildlife.
If you have photos that you would like to share with Fish the West - please send them to info@fishthewest.com.
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