Size Truly Shouldn't Matter
I was lucky enough to be re-introduced to an old acquintance who just so happened to have a similiar name, work in an almost similiar career field, have an identical breed of dog and just so happens to also share a similiar passion for hunting and fishing. She also has her very own BLOG that seems somewhat similiar in Content as we have with the FishTheWest BLOG. It could almost make for a good X File Cloning Episode if Moulder was still around.
So when you visit her website, please note that Size Truly Shouldn't Matter...especially when you read some of the Fishing Adventures she tells from Alaska comparitive to our Adventures here in Nevada. It just wouldn't be fair...LOL

Monster Ling Cod - Alaska

Barely Comparable 12" Rainbow - Nevada
A Little About 'Da Baums'
Looking for stories of adventures, dogs and pictures of whatever Da Baums have killed lately? Then this is the site for you! We will try to keep the gore down for those of you with weak stomachs!
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