Mercury Levels Rise in 6 Nevada Waters
Be Aware
Fish species from Six Northern Nevada waters have been identified to have potential higher levels of mercury and should be consumed on a limited basis.
This doesn't mean that you shouldn't enjoy fishing at these Six Northern Nevada waters, it simply means to be smart.
The following information was posted on the Nevada Department of Wildlife's website and states -- "The health advisories recommend no consumption of fish from Lahontan Reservoir and the Carson River from Dayton downstream to the reservoir; no consumption of white bass from Little and Big Washoe Lake; no consumption of wipers and walleye and no more than one eight-ounce meal per week of any other fish from Rye Patch Reservoir; no consumption of walleye from Chimney Dam Reservoir; and no consumption of large mouth bass or northern pike from Comins Lake."

For more frequently asked questions about Mercury and helpful links, please visit Nevada Department of Wildlife's website.
Labels: Fish the West, fishing comins lake, fishing nevada, fishing rye patch reservoir, mercury levels, nevada fishing
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