And The Beat or Beast Goes On...Well Not Entirely

And the beat goes on...
4:30 P.M. - 12 hours after the encounter
Our guest has taken up residence underneathe our deck and has shown absolutely zero, hide or hair, of wanting to pack up and leave. I have to admit that this little critter might be the most stubborn creature that I've ever run into. I'm hoping that after the long day of being sprayed with water, poked with long sticks and proded with sharp objects - he might just catch on that there's a nice fresh can of TUNA waiting for him in the metal transportation device we have setup. Better yet, there's a longer life awaiting him if he leaves the yard and just takes up residence down the street in the local park.
If you didn't know - and really want too...I've come across the most popular foods to lure little raccoons out-of-hiding just incase you have the same problem:
- Fish, fresh or canned
- Honey or sugar covered vegetables
- Smoked fish
- Watermelon
- Sweet corn
- Cooked fatty meat
- Crisp bacon (who would have ever guessed this one)
- Marshmallow is a favorite!
Let's just all hope that after tonight our little furry friend finds himself a way out otherwise it's lights out. - stay tuned.
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