Muddy Waters at Squaw Creek Reservoir
What could have been any better than fishing and being outdoors this last weekend. With tempatures close to breaking through the 80's it was anything but picture perfect weather.

With excitement building from packing the vehicle the night before, we where up and on the road to float tube one of our favorite Nevada reservoirs, Squaw Creek. We arrived shortly after 7:00 a.m. to find that we would not have the reservoir to ourselves like years past, rather we would be sharing our day with other families that held similiar interests.

The water was brown and muddy from the winter run-off which influenced which pattern of fly the fish would bite on. I do have to say, that even if these fish are planters, they can still be finiky eaters. So of course given my two cents, between the both of us... the score was 9 to 3. Nine to him and three to me.
He say's he just had the right stuff...I said it's because he had the only fly that they where biting on at the time. Yes, it was just like someone was just like "Fishin' in a Bucket'. I wouldn't have minded having that luck. If you're wondering what the fly was a simply a Bead Head Black Wooly Bugger with a size 8 hook.
There's always next time ...Be sure to check out some of the other Hot Nevada Fishing Spots by visiting: Or visit the Squaw Creek Reservoir photo gallery for more outdoor adventures.
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