Fish the West

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Possession Limits for Chukar Have Increased

The Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners increased the possession limit for chukar and Hungarian partridge from 12 to 18 at their June meeting. This amendment to the biennial upland game season and bag regulations will be in effect for this fall’s hunting season.

“Good to excellent range conditions and a wide distribution of birds mean that these new limits will not have a biological impact on the chukar resource,” said Shawn Espinosa, game biologist with the Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW).

The abundance of birds and the amendment mean that a hunter can have a three-day possession limit rather than a two-day limit. If rising gas prices cause a hunter to plan fewer trips this year, the three-day limit allows him or her to extend each trip. This brings Nevada’s limits closer to those of neighboring states.

Nevada Department of Wildlife
Read the Rest of the Press Release