We Made It To Idaho!
I have to say that I have always enjoyed receiving fishing stories and photos from a couple of fellow outdoor enthusiasts, Wayne and Robin. If you don't remember Wayne, he's the one who caught the monster 35 1/2 inch 13 lb 9oz Cutthroat Trout using a chartreuse estaz body with black hackle back in April 2005.
Well they made it to Idaho!
"These are pictures taken in the White Cloud Mountains near Stanley, Idaho. We came upon a sow bear and 3 cubs. Try to zoom in on the bears if you can. I was with my brothers working (if that is what you can call it) spraying weeds and generally having a good time. The mountains were gorgeous!

I did fish the Salmon River and had a 30+ inch salmon on my Sage 5 weight and could not bring it to shore after fighting with it for a good 15 minutes. The goal was rainbows, but this guy caught me by suprise. "

Thanks Wayne...we look forward to more fishing tales from Idaho...
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