Fish the West

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

One of the Best Memorial Day Weekends Ever

Fishing at Squaw Creek Reservoir was by far plentiful this Memorial Day Weekend, and if you weren't there, you might have been the only one. For such a small desert reservoir, our traditional Memorial Day Weekend trip turned out to be one of the busiest we've ever seen in the past 7 years.

We all arrived Friday afternoon, only to find more than 40 campers and trailers pre-parked to join in the festivities of the three day holiday weekend..and what a weekend it was.

Friday evening, Saturday morning and Saturday late afternoon turned into some of the Best Fishing that this reservoir has ever produced for us. Smooth waters, warm temperatures, and out of the four of us that fished from a tube, we all caught an accumulative total of 85 fish -- and yes, all but 7 tasty morsels were caught and released.

Sinking line was the line of choice and the number one fly that caught the most fish in a row, was nothing more than a simple Bead Head Prince Nymph.

For more information on Squaw Creek Reservoir -- click here.

For more photographs of this last weekend -- click here.

We hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day Weekend!
Kristy and Andy

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Friday, May 25, 2007

Who Says There's No Fishing in Nevada

Groves Lake and Kingston Creek, Nevada

Open year around, any time of the day or night. Limit is 5 trout.

Biologist Forecast for 2007:
Fishing should be good for stocked and carry over rainbow trout, and the occasional brown trout that drifts down from the stream. The lake and the stream lie in a narrow, beautiful canyon. For more photos, Click Here.

Stay tuned for more information about Groves Lake and Kingston Creek.... Have a Great Memorial Weekend -- we're outta here!

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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

2007 Big Game Quotas

I know this is a BLOG about fishing and I should be talking about where to go fishing for Memorial Weekend but I just ran across this interesting information from the Nevada Department of Wildlife's website that I thought all Big Game Hunters would be interested in....

"The following is a summary of the 2007 Big Game Quotas set at the Board of Wildlife Commissioners meeting, May 11-12, 2007 in Reno, Nevada." --

  • Total tag allocations across all hunts increased 11% from 2006.
  • Resident Mule Deer Buck Rifle tags are up 11 % from 9,229 tags in 2006 to 10,290 tags in 2007.
  • Resident Antlerless Mule Deer Rifle tags increased from 65 in 2006 to 440 in 2007. Amounts to 577% increase.
  • Resident Bull Elk Rifle tags are up 4 % from 751 in 2006 to 778 in 2007.
  • Resident Cow Elk Rifle Tags are up 73% from 840 in 2006 to 1,454 in 2007.
  • Resident Bighorn Sheep (Desert, California and Rocky Mountain) tags are up 11% from 175 in 2006 to 195 in 2007.
  • Resident Antelope Rifle Buck tags are up 6% from 1,644 in 2006 to 1,743 in 2007.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Flying Over Pyramid, Fishing Oregon and Idaho

We're still here... we've just not had an opportunity to get out and get some fishing in; luckily some of my fellow fisherman and friends have had the opportunity to enjoy some adventures... such as flying over Pyramid Lake for the first time, or catching some amazing fish in Idaho and Oregon... All I can say is that we are looking forward to Memorial Weekend to finally get some fishing in!

One more thing...NDOW has stocked several bodies of Water in Northern Nevada -- so check them all out!

Flight Over Pyramid
If you've been to Pyramid Lake from the ground -- there's nothing more exciting than seeing it from the air. These photographs were taken just last week... AMAZING! More Photos

Flying Over Pyramid Lake, Nevada -- Thanks Andy

Fishing in Oregon is Stupendous
These pictures are all from the Deschutes river in central Oregon. The Deschutes River and its tributaries historically supported a wide variety of native resident and anadromous fish. Summer steelhead, spring chinook, fall Chinook, bull trout, redband trout, Pacific lamprey and sockeye salmon are among the fish that historically spawned in the Deschutes Basin.
-- Thanks Isaac

Fishing in Idaho has been stupendous as well.
-- Thanks Wayne!