Flying Over Pyramid, Fishing Oregon and Idaho
We're still here... we've just not had an opportunity to get out and get some fishing in; luckily some of my fellow fisherman and friends have had the opportunity to enjoy some adventures... such as flying over Pyramid Lake for the first time, or catching some amazing fish in Idaho and Oregon... All I can say is that we are looking forward to Memorial Weekend to finally get some fishing in!
One more thing...NDOW has stocked several bodies of Water in Northern Nevada -- so check them all out!
Flight Over Pyramid
If you've been to Pyramid Lake from the ground -- there's nothing more exciting than seeing it from the air. These photographs were taken just last week... AMAZING! More Photos

Flying Over Pyramid Lake, Nevada -- Thanks Andy

Fishing in Oregon is Stupendous
These pictures are all from the Deschutes river in central Oregon. The Deschutes River and its tributaries historically supported a wide variety of native resident and anadromous fish. Summer steelhead, spring chinook, fall Chinook, bull trout, redband trout, Pacific lamprey and sockeye salmon are among the fish that historically spawned in the Deschutes Basin.
-- Thanks Isaac

Fishing in Idaho has been stupendous as well.
-- Thanks Wayne!

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