2007 Big Game Quotas
I know this is a BLOG about fishing and I should be talking about where to go fishing for Memorial Weekend but I just ran across this interesting information from the Nevada Department of Wildlife's website that I thought all Big Game Hunters would be interested in....

"The following is a summary of the 2007 Big Game Quotas set at the Board of Wildlife Commissioners meeting, May 11-12, 2007 in Reno, Nevada." -- NDOW.org
- Total tag allocations across all hunts increased 11% from 2006.
- Resident Mule Deer Buck Rifle tags are up 11 % from 9,229 tags in 2006 to 10,290 tags in 2007.
- Resident Antlerless Mule Deer Rifle tags increased from 65 in 2006 to 440 in 2007. Amounts to 577% increase.
- Resident Bull Elk Rifle tags are up 4 % from 751 in 2006 to 778 in 2007.
- Resident Cow Elk Rifle Tags are up 73% from 840 in 2006 to 1,454 in 2007.
- Resident Bighorn Sheep (Desert, California and Rocky Mountain) tags are up 11% from 175 in 2006 to 195 in 2007.
- Resident Antelope Rifle Buck tags are up 6% from 1,644 in 2006 to 1,743 in 2007.
Labels: anters, big horn, buck, california, Fishing, Hunt Nevada, Mule Deer, residents, sheep
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