Bye Bye Birdie's
FRIDAY: September 1
Evening Hunt
Opening day we started out with nothing but a few sightings of dove, but easily found ourselves running out of daylight without having had too many shots. We didn't really mind since we still had 29 days left and and a weather forecast that looked to remain above the freezing mark.
SATURDAY: September 2
Evening Hunt
Limited out in a matter of what seemed to be minutes and had a couple of surprise encounters with two young Rattle Snakes. Just like the Dove, one got away and the other ...well let's just say he came a little to close for my comfort and easily found himself to be a gonner.

Thanks for the "Good Eats".

SUNDAY: September 3
Morning Hunt
Sunday morning was a good day for getting back into the birds but wasn't nearly as bountiful as the day prior.
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